Me loving Pinterest

Hello! I do not understand what I should talk about in this post, but i will try anyway. I think it's something about our favorite websites for finding things related to our career. In that way, my favorite and the most loved one for me is Pinterest. I like it a lot because it helps me to find pictures and referents. Every photo has its own website annexed, so if you are interested in one, you can find more information about it making a click. In Pinterest you can search for things about fashion, art, photography, decoration, you just have to writte wathever that you want. When you choose a photo, it shows new images related to that one. It's very usefull to inspire watching works maked by artist, even you can share your own works so everyone could see it. Moreover, you can make your own boards tokeep your favorite images. In my Pinteres i have like twenty boards, my favorite one is about analogue photography.


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